Keeping you
At all our classes and events
Your health and safety is of paramount importance to us at SpiriFit so we want to make sure you feel safe attending our classes in the current climate. Please read below to learn of the key procedures we are undertaking to keep you safe and the few things we ask of you to help us stay COVID compliant.
Class Capacities & Advanced Booking
To enable us to maintain social distancing in classes all of our sessions have had a maximum capacity calculated following the strict guidelines from Government and EMD, the national governing body for group exercise. Each person will have 4m2 of space in which to exercise, marked out by cones to create a box for each person, with an additional 1m between boxes to allow additional space for movement. In our Boogie Bounce classes, trampolines will be spaced 2m apart.
You can see the maximum capacity for each class on our class booking page and on the GymCatch system.
Due to our sessions having significantly reduced maximum capacities, advanced booking will now be required for all of our classes, with payment at time of booking preferred in order to speed up class registrations. Bookings can be made online through our website on the Book Classes page or through the GymCatch app. You can also book classes by contacting us directly using one of the following methods:
Call, text or WhatsApp - 07837 658434
Email - info@spirifit.co.uk
Facebook message - facebook.com/spirift or facebook.com/skeay.spirifit
Bookings will be taken on a first come first served basis. Should classes fully book a waiting list will be started. Please be aware that our waiting list also runs on a first come first served basis - if a space opens up all customers on the waiting list will be notified and then the first to book will take the space.
Social Distancing & Face Coverings
We ask that when customers maintain a 2m distance from all others with whom they do not share a household, especially when entering, leaving, waiting to enter or moving around the building. Please do not congregate in groups before, during or after sessions in the vicinity of the venue.
Each person will have 4m2 of space in which to exercise, marked out by cones to create a box for each person, with an additional 1m between boxes to allow additional space for movement. In our Boogie Bounce classes, trampolines will be spaced 2m apart. Please stay at your trampoline or within your allotted space as much as possible to ensure social distancing is maintained at all times.
Face coverings are required to be worn (unless you are exempt) when entering, leaving and moving around the building. However, they do not need to be worn during the sessions themselves as it is strongly advised not to wear face coverings when conducting exercise.